Small Businesses should learn from Google +
As everyone pretty much knows, Google + is the next social network that businesses are targeting. Are you taking advantage of this, yourself? This article highlights how has Google marketed their social network, how small business owners can learn from and apply their tactics, and why a presence on Google + is mandatory.
Launched on June 28th, 2011, Google+ has grown rapidly, stirring quite a buzz in the process! Why? Well, because basically Google, through its diverse online services, owns the internet now! Small businesses who have just started or are either struggling with marketing online should not only opt Google+ as a mandatory social media network to market their business on, but also apply a Google+ strategy to theirentire business. Here is why:
What makes Google plus so unique? Google+ launched using an invite-only method, and despite there being so many social media sites to choose from, it attracted 10 million users in just under two weeks of its launch. Why, you ask? It's because people wanted something new and particularly because it came from Google, it was a simple choice – but not for all and not what the strategy was. When people joined and invited others, they would email their friends to send them invites to check out their new social network – the true definition of “earned media”. Google+ gave its users the power and freedom of choice, but also created the social hype and intrigue of a network to connect on that made good sense.
So, what's the lesson learned here? Simple! If you are starting a business, or have already started one, you need to create strong incentives which captivate, then motivate users to act promptly. For example:
Scenario |
Hidden Message Marketed |
· Releasing a limited amount of tickets to your event |
· We are valued |
· Making your event an invitation only |
· Act now, or lose |
· Limited time offers on sales |
· Purchase now, even if the event is in the future |
So, do what you see happening here? You are creating value for your business, creating strong incentives,and at the same time, giving your users power and freedom of choice – well actually from a marketing point of view, you are compelling them to take action, which is what you want!
You might be asking what the benefit of this strategy is! You see what you have done here is make pure gold. The people that you have invited to your business or event by this invite-only strategy are your key influencers (just as Google+ did – invite key influencers first), who will have a direct impact on your business, because they are the people who 'wanted' to act on those scenarios, in the first place. They are the first level of customers and everyone else is second. These first-level customers will help your business so much that they will create a buzz everywhere else and the rest will follow. In simple terms important people are there for you and people will likely follow these important people. In marketing terms, your objective is achieved and your “online army” is doing the work for you!
In summary, small business should join Google+, integrate all Google services together and see their business blossom, as Google+ is one of the fastest growing social networks. More on Google+ in upcoming articles, so be sure to subscribe!
How do you find this strategy useful? I would love to hear from you, so leave a comment below.