What is Power Editor
According to Facebook, "Power Editor was designed to improve advertisers’ efficiency in creating, editing and managing a large number of campaigns and ads. For example, Power Editor allows operations like mass-editing of campaign settings, targeting, bids, budgets, flight dates, and creative elements across ads, campaigns, and even accounts. With Power Editor, you can also monitor ads stats in order to optimize ads and campaigns from within the tool itself."
Why Power Editor
So what makes Facebook Power Editor different to the Facebook advertising?
- You can advertise in the news feed along with advertising in the ride sidebar.
- You can advertise within the news feed only.
- You can advertise on mobile devices (according to recent study, mobile advertising yields better results).
- Save tons of time by mass editing ads.
- Compatible with Excel – save time copy pasting campaign data.
- Ability to sort ads within the tool – like sorting by key stats or by performance.
- CPM and Optimized CPM can be used for the purpose of getting "likes" to pages.
Installing Power Editor
Power Editor is a plugin that is only available for Google Chrome.
- Open your Chrome browser in Mac or Windows. You will need the Chrome browser to run Power Editor. If you don't have Google Chrome installed on your computer, please download the latest version of Chrome).
- Visit your Ads Manager.
- Click on the Power Editor tab on the left side of the Ads Manager.
- Install the Power Editor application.
- Once you launch the Power Editor application, click on "Download" and follow the onscreen instructions. You can choose to download all your accounts or only select ones.
Alternatively, you can download it here.
Using Power Editor
Here is an overview on Power Editor usage, it will not be discussed in the finest of details, for that you would have to take a look at this detailed PDF.
So, getting along, once you have installed the plugin, the next thing you will be prompted to do is which accounts you will be using with Power Editor. It's like giving access to Power Editor. So allow all access to the ads you created prior to using this tool. What will happen is the tool will get updated with your campaigns.
- Click on Campaigns tab at the very top, and the interface will show you the current campaigns.
- Now, you have the option to click on the Create Campaign button. Click on this tab and enter the campaign details such as the campaign name, budget (USD) and schedule.
- Once you are done with creating a campaign, go back to the top tab and click on Ads. The interface will be updated with the current ads. The option of Create Ad will now be available. Click on it, and enter the ad details such as Ad Name, Destination URL, Title, etc.
- You can select multiple campaigns or ads and update them at once. You can use the shift key for this purpose and start editing via the panel available at the bottom.
- The most important thing related to Power Editor that you should be well aware of is that it is not perfect. Once you make changes to your campaigns or ads outside of Power Editor, you will need to download them into Power Editor, similarly, once you make changes to ads or campaigns within the Power Editor interface. They will only come into effect once you have clicked on the upload button. These buttons are available on the top right part of the screen.
Power Editor definitely is a recommended tool, but only in the right hands. This tool certainly has a lot to offer, so if you are using Facebook advertising I would suggest you try out this tool as soon as possible. I would love to hear your review and comments on this tool, stay in touch!