When you have a piece of content that performs well, why not keep the momentum going?
Repurposing content is a great way to continue cashing in on the valuable content you’ve already done the work to create!
There are many ways to transform content from one medium to another. Lets dig in and find out why you should, which content to repurpose and how to do it!
Why Repurpose
Repurposing content refers to taking the topic and information from one piece of content and packaging it into another form.
For example, we post weekly articles on our site. When an article does well, I will then take the time to turn it into a Slideshare.
Why do I do this? Well, because different parts of my audience learn in different ways. They have preferences on how they like to receive information.
Let’s say the information I am providing has proven to be useful for those who like to read articles. My next step is to create something that will be useful for more visual learners who like Slideshare better.
It’s a win-win when it comes to SEO, too. Your new content will most likely attract new search traffic and strengthen your keyword (make sure you’re using the same keyword on both pieces of content!).
What to Repurpose
So you’re sold on the idea of transforming your content! Now what to choose!?
This is where stats come in handy. You want to choose content that has consistently done well. The best indicator? Pageviews and leads.
There are some other things you want to think about, as well. For the most part, if a topic did well in the past, it will probably do well in the future. However, sometimes things can become outdated. Use Buzzsumo.com to double check.
If you’re looking into repurposing something you created more than a year ago, check out the current trends to make sure it’s still a hot topic.
On another note, you can repurpose old content just by updating it based on feedback and comments!
How to Repurpose Content
You’ve written a solid article or blog (or even some other form of content). Your audience loved it. Now it’s time to take it to a new level! There are TONS of ways to repurpose rad content! Here are a few of them!
1. Videos
This could be as simple as saving a Powerpoint slideshow into a video file, or as complicated as adapting your blog topic to a script and producing it with a camera and all.
If you choose to create a video out of a Powerpoint file, add simple animation to make it interesting. Music is also helpful, and you can use Knovio to add audio.
You can also use tools like PowToon to create a whiteboard video or Veed.me to find a video artist to do the adapting for you!
2. Webinars
Webinars do wonders for you business. From building credibility to attracting leads, they’re a win! IF it makes sense for your niche audience, I highly recommend it.
Creating a webinar will most likely include creating a slideshow of your topic that can be presented to an audience. Make sure your focus in on visuals and your text is minimal.
If people pipe in with questions during a Google Hangout, you can convert those into an FAQ page and continue recycling, er, repurposing the content!
3. Checklists
Simple and effective, checklists deserve to be in the top three (not that these are in order of importance…but still!).
Checklists have been popular since the beginning of the magazine business and will never go out of style. If you’re looking to save time, create a simple checklist of “13 Ways to…” or “40 unique ideas for…”
Based on research, higher numbers perform better, so no need to keep it short and sweet!
4. E-Book
If you’ve produced several pieces of work on the same topic or similar topics, consider organizing them into an e-book!
There are times when your audience might be performing research and/or looking to read up on a topic in depth rather than in bite sizes. For these times, a downloadable e-book comes in handy.
5. Emails
Newsletters are still outperforming other channels. For the most part, you probably use your emails to drive traffic to your blog. However, there are other ways to capitalize on the power of email!
Sometimes you can tell the whole story in a newsletter. If your audience is full of readers and you’re telling stories, they’re likely to respond positively. Try it out!
6. Images
No matter what a person’s dominant learning style, we are ALL visual BEINGS. That’s why videos and images are SO effective.
When I skim Facebook and I’m feeling lazy, I just slide the page down until a photo captures my eye. I’m sure I’m not the only one!
In fact, 63% of social media is made up of images. If you’re thinking, “Well, I’m not a photographer or a graphic designer…” then there’s good news! There are lots of tools out there that make it easy. Google the ones you need!
7. Infographics
Really cool infographics are more time consuming to create, but there’s a reason people still do it.
Infographics tend to get shared more than any other type of content; This is most likely because they marry information with visual appeal.
You can buy cheap, easily customizable infographic templates on Graphic River http://graphicriver.net/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&term=infographics (along with all kinds of other graphics) or hire someone to make one for you.
Tip: Make sure you have a tool that will be able to open the graphic file before purchasing. If you are looking for something free or simpler than Photoshop, research alternatives.
8. Podcasts
It’s a busy world, and people jump on opportunities to multi task. I have a friend in marketing who recently admitted that she hasn’t read a marketing related book page-by-page in over seven years. Instead, she purchases the audio versions and listens in the car, while cooking, etc.
Your content is likely not long enough to become an audio book (although if it is, DO IT!), but consider creating a podcast. If you’re up for doing this weekly, even better!
9. Slideshows
Slideshows are one of my favorite avenues for repurposing GMT blogs. Why? Because they receive TONS of social shares. Check out Slideshare if you haven’t already.
10. Social Media Content
Say you created a blog post on a topic. Pick it apart and transform it into dozens of Social Media “nuggets!” If you created visuals for a Slideshare, perhaps each slide can be transformed into a social post.
When it comes to content repurposing, the sky is the limit. Get creative and keep the wheels turning with your content!
What is your favorite way to repurpose content? Let us know if the comments below and don’t forget to keep in touch on Facebook and Twitter!
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