How To Monetize From Google Hangouts
The lifeblood of marketing is monetization. Whether you’re blogging, writing, working with social media, building SEO links, or just trying to gain traffic on the web, you will need to keep in mind how to monetize everything. If you do not do this, or you don’t think in terms of engaging cash flow through your digital outlets, you will not make money online. Simply put, you need to learn how to monetize anything that you’re doing online, as it will turn your hobby into a business fast. One of the digital tools you can use today is that of Google Hangouts. This somewhat simplistic option is something that millions of people are using to communicate, and recently, it has been productive in making money for people of all backgrounds. The following methods are just a few ways to monetize your hangouts with relative ease.
Sponsored Hangouts
The first way that you can monetize your hangout is to have someone sponsor it. Find a corporate sponsor of any type and have them pay for the digital event. In return for their sponsorship, and financial help, you will need to become a brand ambassador for them. Whether you find an individual or a company that is willing to take on the advertising role, you can easily bring in cash flow from a presentation or hangout with anyone, by simply getting a sponsor. As long as you’re not gratuitously pushing ads or anything like that, you’ll be fine with subtle marketing affiliation.
Special Guest Speakers (Engagements)
When you’re looking at how to monetize hangouts, you cannot miss the idea of special guest speakers. The way you make money here is that you hire a special guest for a hangout, and you charge a nominal fee for people to join your hangout and ask questions or to just interact. Celebrities do this a great deal, and it works out quite well. You’ll need to find someone that people will want to interact with, and offer something worth paying for. Even if you aren’t charging a great deal, you could stand to make some money, gain email leads, and a lot more.
Tutorial Power
The last option is to simply charge people to hang out with you. Ok, this is not so much a sinister plan, as it is an opportunity for you to communicate with others and teach them. Teaching people through tutorials that you guide them through is one recipe for a successful Google hangout monetization strategy. Teaching others through video streams is a great way to interact with clients, and more. Many entrepreneurs are making upwards of six figures with this strategy, and it most certainly brings a sense of community to others in your niche. The above methodologies are just 3 ways that you can monetize the mighty hangout into something worthwhile. As a business, you may find that the above works, or other options may bring in revenue as well. Finding a balance is the key to getting this to work properly.