Meet Sweta
Sweta Patel has advised over 200 high-growth startups in Silicon Valley. Founder of Silicon Valley Startup Growth, best-selling author, and a YEC member. Sweta is also a renown Oracles member, a braintrust of the top entrepreneurs around the world. Also founder of Global Marketing Tactics, your #1 source for real-world marketing and training. Her passion is to teach startup founders and business owners how they can leverage different marketing technique, strategies, and tactics to meet their marketing goals and initiatives.
Advised high growth startups
Saved failing startups
Featured in articles
Increased MRR

Sweta Hosts The Shows
I was honored that Arianna Huffington brought me to New York to host a show on HuffPost Live. I created and hosted HuffPost’s Number 1 Facebook Live show for audience engagement called #FollowTheReader, where I interviewed several of my role models including Tim Ferriss and Deepak Chopra.
Sweta Coaches People & Team
If you like my videos, I have a pretty good feeling you’ll enjoy me live too. My love for speaking and coaching has landed me on stages at Google, L’Oreal, Facebook, Coca Cola, Microsoft, Deloitte, HSBC and Accenture.

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Sweta Speaks a lot
Building Teams that Are Different Than You
As an entrepreneur, you’ve been holding a lot on your back as long as you can remember. It can get really frustrating when you must handle everything (and I mean EVERYTHING). So frustrating that sometimes you simply wish you could clone yourself...
readStartup Indigestion Disease: The Symptoms, The Causes, and The Cure
One of the deadliest diseases that can strike and crush your company is the infamous startup indigestion disease. Often overlooked, this allegedly tiny issue can sign the death sentence upon your business before it has even grown to its full potential...
readWhy You Always Pivot
In basketball, you pivot to find a way to achieve the ultimate goal after you’ve run into an obstacle, but in one condition — whatever you do, you remain standing firm on the ground with one foot...