Email Marketing Tips You Did Not Know About
Email marketing is not dead like many of us think it might be. The inbox is checked almost everyday by millions of people. There are new strategic ways of email marketing and here is how you can stay on top of your game!
1. Make sure your graphics don’t take over the whole email. Text is important but keep the ratio 60:40. This means 60% text and 40% images. A lot of the time images are not even seen.
2. Keep it simple. Let’s not get too much into the rambling and story telling.
3. Notice how people read. They usually read left to right across the top then they start going to the bottom reading left to right. This is why it is imperative to keep your logos on the left.
4. Make sure your subject does not exceed 50 characters.
5. Ask them to do something at the end. Whether it is to join a social network or asking them for referrals.
6. Do not add all your social networks in your email. Instead ask them to forward the email to their friends. You will get a better response rate.
7. You can talk about one of your social networks but if you add all of them they will be confused and not go to any of them.
8. Make your call-to-action shout BIG. If the call-to-action is not creative enough you may not receive a high CTR (Click Through Rate)
9. Landing pages are essential for email marketing. Are yours simple and catchy enough?
10. What is the benefit of your call-to-action? If you do this then you will receive that. Is there a benefit?
11. Keep it short because mobile viewers want short and to the point email newsletters.
12. Make sure your “clickable” graphics are large, just so they can receive clicks through mobile.
13. Make sure you don’t bog down the email with unnecessary information, get to the point right at the beginning of the email blast.
14. Do not send emails from a Gmail address, use an appropriate name and domain. Try to make it personable. The more personable the better!
15. Make sure your main message is “above the fold.” People do not like the idea of scrolling nowadays and they want information fast. How are you going to deliver it to them the way they want it?
16. Make sure you are tracking your click-through-rate.
17. Promote your email newsletter on all your social networks and make sure you get the word out about them.
18. Send exclusive newsletters that make people feel as though they have to sign up to receive something special.
19. Make sure your headline is catchy. My favorite book is The Ultimate Sales Letter. Check it out so you can engage the reader.
20. Make your readers feel as though they are involved with the cause and not just another consumer of your product/service. Make them feel like they are contributing to something bigger than themselves.
Did I forget any other tips? Please comment below!